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27. Building Bridges 2018

This Second of Jazz post is dedicated to my Building Bridges event that took place on International Jazz Day, April 30th, at the Culture House in Oslo.

The purpose of the Building Bridges project is to create a platform for musical dialogue and, through streaming technology, give musicians the opportunity to share their music with a broad audience. This year I organized the event in collaboration with Byjazz, which is a project initiated and led by the Swedish composer and drummer, Anders Thorén. Anders and I share much of the same visions and goals as we both aim to make jazz a more available form of art, and furthermore, bring together different worlds of jazz.

We invited Anders’ own group, BRIDGES, to play at the event. With him he has pianist Espen Berg, trumpeter Hayden Powell, and bass player Jesper Bodilsen. In addition, we invited the amazing Seamus Blake to play with the band and celebrate IJD with us. An incredible night with incredible music!

Look forward to the next Building Bridges event.

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